28 May 2009

Errol The Steam!

Last weekend, Sir Bruin de Largesse and Lady De Minutive took me to Linky Land to visit Granny Weatherwax and Mike The Steam.

I was allowed to play with the trains.

To start with, I just rode around in one of the waggons.

Later on, I was allowed to drive the engine!

This particular engine isn't finished yet. When a posh engine came out, I found myself demoted to guard.

Here I am speeding around the track at the back of an engine with real steam coming out of it!

Then another different engine came out and Mike The Steam coupled up some carriages and I went for a ride in one of those. You will note that I didn't get to ride in luxury like the other passengers, but had to hang onto the balcony instead.

Lady De Minutive assures me that this is more luxurious than the Eurostar.

20 May 2009

A Sheep takes a Shufti at Shropshire

As I was saying, I actually got taken on a short holiday by Sir Bruin de Largesse and Lady De Minutive last week. We were mostly in Shropshire. On Friday morning we went to Ludlow Castle.

sharp shooting sheep.

inside Mortimer's tower

outside Mortimer's tower

view from the top of the keep

I then spent some time riding around in her ladyship’s pocket while we continued to explore the rather pleasant town of Ludlow. Later, my humans decided to get back in the car and explore some more of Shropshire. So I programmed the sat-nav and off we went.

Our next port of call was Ironbridge Gorge. Here I am near that historic bridge (a wedding party were taking photos nearby and the bride appears to be trying to get into my shot).

I got taken into a cafe at Ironbridge.

And then it rained and I had to get back into her ladyship's pocket so that I didn't get my wool wet. On the way back to our B&B, we detoured into Worcestershire. Here I am trying not to fall into the River Severn at Bewdley.

On Saturday I got left in the car all day while my humans went to a party. And then on Sunday we came home again.


17 May 2009

Errol on Holiday - part 1

You may recall that Sir Bruin de Largesse and Lady De Minutive forgot to take me with them when they went to Paris. I was rather upset about this but cheered up considerably on Thursday morning when I found myself sitting on the dash board of Sir Bruin's car.

We set off in a westerly direction. There was a stop for lunch (during which I was left in the car) but the next stop after that was at Stratford-Upon-Avon and this time I was allowed out of the car. Here I am outside the birthplace of William Shakespeare:

"To sleep sheep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub".

After riding around in Sir Bruin's pocket and seeing some of the sights, we got back into the car and drove into Shropshire. We then spent two nights in a B&B just outside Ludlow. We had a very nice room where there was a small teddy bear in residence:

He looks rather theatrical in that hat, don't you think? Maybe he belongs to the Royal Shakesbear Company.

We spent two nights here and very nice it was too. The B&B was a converted barn with lots of old, exposed beams.

Our room had it's own staircase:

It was all very charming.

I am in this photograph, although I have blended into the wall rather well.

On Friday, I got taken out and photographed all over Shropshire (and once in Worcestershire too). I'll blog about that another day.

10 May 2009

Sheep Memes Are Made of This

I notice that human bloggers seem quite keen on these meme thingies, so I thought I’d have a go at one myself.

What is the first car you drove (legally)?

Well, legally, sheep can’t drive. But, as I noted in a previous post, Hamsters seem to manage it.

How many colours has your hair been?

I’ve got wool, not hair, and it’s a nice creamy colour.

Have you ever been fired?

I think you’d have to be a pretty bad sheep (or indeed toy) to get the sack. Anyway, I’m not actually in paid employment.

What do you sing in the shower?

Sheep are not known for showering, but if I ever get a trip to a sheep dip, I might indulge in a bar or two of “It had to be ewe”.

If you could be any celebrity, who would you be?

Shaun The Sheep, obviously. I admire him because he has his own TV show and he has worked with that Oscar winning acting genius, Gromit.

Who was your favourite teacher and why?

I’m a sheep. I didn’t go to school.

If you have a nickname, what is it? If not, what would you like it to be?

No, I don’t.

What would the title of the movie about your life be?

Is “A Sheep’s Tail” too obvious?

Who was your first crush?

You remember that party I had? Well, there was a blonde doll there who looked sort of nice. I don’t know her name though.

However, I noticed her eyeing up Rory the Lion at one point.

The next time I saw her, she was snogging a guinea pig

I went off her a bit after that [I’m sure that guinea pig used to be female – Ed.] So as crushes go, this one was short lived.

Do you believe in Karma?

Isn’t that a curry?

What is your very earliest memory?

Sitting on a shelf in the gift shop at Helmsley Castle

Is there any animal/creature that creeps you out?

I’m not keen on wombats. The one that lives in Lady de Minutive’s dining room is a scary bugger.

Which is the place you’ve never been that you’d most like to visit?

I had hoped to be taken to Paris but Sir Bruin and Lady Diminutive went without me. Anywhere would be nice.