31 July 2009

Sheep beside the sea side

It's amazing what can be achieved if you whinge in public (or at least on the internet). I have been taken out twice this week. I will revisit the more cultured of my two outings at a later date, but on Wednesday I was taken to the seaside.

The beach at Dunwich is a bit stoney, as you can see from the photo at the top. There is a bit of sand, but not much. The picture above is of Dunwich beach with the Sizewell nuclear power stations in the distance.

We spent a bit of time on the beach at Dunwich (getting funny looks from other humans who were probably wondering what a sheep was doing at the sea side).

Later we moved along the coast to Walberswick and walked along the River Blyth. We crossed a bridge...

...and then walked back along the Southwold side of the river. When visiting the Southwold area, it is compulsory to sample the local ale.

Mmmm. Adnams.

We crossed the river again by means of a little ferry boat, but I had to stay inside Lady De Minutive's handbag for fear of being blown away. The wind had got up a bit by this time.

Sand dunes at Walberswick.

We eventually ended up in Southwold, on the pier in a really rather brisk breeze. Here is a picture of me with Southwold's iconic lighthouse in the back ground and Sir Bruin's hand preventing me from blowing into the sea in the foreground.

As you can see, the wind was whipping the waves up a bit. Perhaps I should have brought my scarf with me!


29 July 2009

Pigs might flu

So, you may ask, what have I been up to since I last blogged? Well, I certainly haven't been on any outings. My humans have been neglecting me.

But no matter, I can amuse myself. I spend lots of time admiring myself in the mirror in my new scarf.

My friends and I get up to all sorts while the humans are at work.

We can't help noticing that there is a lot of 'flu' content in the news in recent weeks.

A particular type of flu.

Not Lion flu

Not moose flu

Not turtle flu.

And certainly not Sheep Flu.

Nope. Everybody in the human world is talking about swine flu.

There aren't any toy pigs in this household and so far both of the human residents seem to be well, so we're not worried.

I'm not sure why anyone is worried really. According to an internet article I read last week: "In England, the number of people with swine flu symptoms who have consulted their GP is now equivalent to a bad bout of seasonal flu during the winter months - although Wales and Scotland have reported fewer cases." If humans can normally handle the flu without this level of media attention, why is swine flu different? And "The government says up to 12,000 people die every year from seasonal flu." Apparently, the expected level of deaths from swine flu is lower than this number, so why all the fuss?

Obviously, I'm not a heartless sheep and I don't want humans to get ill and die (who'd take me on outings if I didn't have humans to entertain me?) but I do wonder why they get more excited about some things than others.

One of my humans is getting excited about the prospect of acquiring a new shed. Is this any way for her to be spending her holidays? Get a life woman, and take me out somewhere!
