I know, I know, it's been ages. The problem is, my humans spend such a lot of time on Facebook that it is difficult for me to access the internet these days.
So, what have I been up to?
Well, I moved house last year.
A few weeks before the move, I met a nice young lady called Lavender Lamb...
Unfortunately, it turned out that young Lavender was a gift for a new baby relation of my humans and she has now gone to live in Birmingham. Sigh.
I have also met some celebrities.
My humans took me on an outing to North Suffolk by motorbike...

...and just look who I met! Yes, it is Z - North Suffolk's premier blogger. Z blogs every day, which is more than can be said for me or my humans.
I also met Dave (another blogger who manages to blog every day) and who has been helping Z and The Sage to build a wall. The party was in honour of the wall and here I am beside the wall.
An exciting day in bloggy-land.