What are you laughing at? If Hamsters can drive, I don’t see why sheep can’t!
Picture of Richard Hammond from Top Gear website
The adventures of Errol The Sheep
Clearly, just the two of us wouldn’t be much of a party, so we invited some of the toys that live in the back bedroom. (Considering the owner of this house is a childless, adult woman in her 40’s, there are a suspicious number of toys and dolls lurking around).
We made sure we invited some birds:
I don’t fancy yours much!
We bought Rory along to act as a bouncer. The wombat that lives in the dining room doesn’t like visitors.
We couldn’t find any Ewe2 in her ladyship’s CD collection (no taste, that woman). We found some Ewe-rythmics though.
Obviously, I am a very small sheep and I only have little legs, so I didn't actually do any walking. Instead, I hitched a ride in her ladyship's coat pocket.
I didn't spent the whole afternoon travelling by pocket though. Here I am down by the River Orwell enjoying some sunshine.
It's a lovely spot.