28 January 2009

Sheep Dreams are Made of This

This is me at the wheel of a Horch 830 BL, a rather nice old German motor built in the 1930’s. It has an 8 valve engine and a top speed of around 75mph. Just the thing for a young sheep about town. I wish.

What are you laughing at? If Hamsters can drive, I don’t see why sheep can’t!

Picture of Richard Hammond from Top Gear website

22 January 2009

Party Time!

Recently, when I was taken downstairs to be photographed, I noticed that there was still some drink and nibbles left over from Christmas.

That's not Black Sheep Ale.

So, last night myself and Moosey sneaked downstairs while her ladyship was asleep and had ourselves a bit of a party.

Clearly, just the two of us wouldn’t be much of a party, so we invited some of the toys that live in the back bedroom. (Considering the owner of this house is a childless, adult woman in her 40’s, there are a suspicious number of toys and dolls lurking around).

We made sure we invited some birds:

I don’t fancy yours much!

We bought Rory along to act as a bouncer. The wombat that lives in the dining room doesn’t like visitors.

Sorry dude, no wombats.

Even a wombat isn’t going to argue with a large psychedelic lion sporting a green mane, so he was soon on his way.

(Is it me, or does that doll look impressed at Rory seeing off the wombat? Damn! I wish I was a butch sheep.)

Moosey put on some sounds:

We couldn’t find any Ewe2 in her ladyship’s CD collection (no taste, that woman). We found some Ewe-rythmics though.

And we partied all night!

Well, some of us partied for longer than others. Not all toys can take their liquor.

Henry never could take his drink, which is possibly why he is wearing incontinence pants. Mind you, he’s not the only one looking the worse for drink!

We’re feeling a bit hung over today!

18 January 2009

An Outing!

After reading my previous blog post, Sir Bruin threatened promised me a trip up the garden. However, today he did better than that and I went with him and Lady De Minutive for a walk along Nacton Shore.

This is me hanging around by the front door waiting to go out. I'm sorry about the bluish hue to this photograph, but that dozy woman had her camera on the wrong setting.

Obviously, I am a very small sheep and I only have little legs, so I didn't actually do any walking. Instead, I hitched a ride in her ladyship's coat pocket.

I didn't spent the whole afternoon travelling by pocket though. Here I am down by the River Orwell enjoying some sunshine.

It's a lovely spot.

15 January 2009


My name is Errol and I am a very small toy sheep. I have previously appeared on the internet in other people’s blogs and also on their facebook accounts.

I think I come from Yorkshire, although the label sticking out of my arse tells a different story.

Made in China? Surely not!

I was bought from the gift shop at Helmsley Castle, along with a bottle of mead and some bramble, liqueur by a bloke calling himself Sir Bruin (I have reason to suspect that this is not his real name as he is sometimes also known as Cuthbert Fortesque-Todger). I was then given as a gift to his girlfriend, who is known as Lady De Minutive.

She made a terrible fuss of me to start with and I was allowed to ride on the dashboard as I was driven from Yorkshire to my new home in Suffolk. I was promised lots of outings but I haven’t even been up the bloody garden yet!

I live in her ladyship’s bedroom with Moosey the moose (who came from Vancouver and had to travel home in a suitcase – ha!) and Rory who was won in a raffle and is allegedly a lion. Before Sir Bruin came along, Moosey lived on a pillow on her ladyship’s bed for two years.

I am a bit jealous of Moosey’s former standing because I only get to sleep on the bottom of this mirror.

However, I now have my own blog, so read it and weep moose!

I have left the front bedroom on a number of occasions for photo shoots and here are some of my pictures.

I arrest ewe in the name of the law!

I saw three sheeps come sailing in

Christmas was quite jolly and Sir Bruin made me my own little party hat.

Tune in again sometime to see if I actually get to do anything interesting!