22 January 2009

Party Time!

Recently, when I was taken downstairs to be photographed, I noticed that there was still some drink and nibbles left over from Christmas.

That's not Black Sheep Ale.

So, last night myself and Moosey sneaked downstairs while her ladyship was asleep and had ourselves a bit of a party.

Clearly, just the two of us wouldn’t be much of a party, so we invited some of the toys that live in the back bedroom. (Considering the owner of this house is a childless, adult woman in her 40’s, there are a suspicious number of toys and dolls lurking around).

We made sure we invited some birds:

I don’t fancy yours much!

We bought Rory along to act as a bouncer. The wombat that lives in the dining room doesn’t like visitors.

Sorry dude, no wombats.

Even a wombat isn’t going to argue with a large psychedelic lion sporting a green mane, so he was soon on his way.

(Is it me, or does that doll look impressed at Rory seeing off the wombat? Damn! I wish I was a butch sheep.)

Moosey put on some sounds:

We couldn’t find any Ewe2 in her ladyship’s CD collection (no taste, that woman). We found some Ewe-rythmics though.

And we partied all night!

Well, some of us partied for longer than others. Not all toys can take their liquor.

Henry never could take his drink, which is possibly why he is wearing incontinence pants. Mind you, he’s not the only one looking the worse for drink!

We’re feeling a bit hung over today!


Sir Bruin said...

I trust ewe all had a good time and that the hangovers are not too baaaad. Parasheepamol is good for a baaaad head. Ewe went to a lot of trouble to organise this, I hope they all sang, "Fl-eece a jolly ggod fellow" to you.

Errol said...

The ones who were sober were suitably grateful. Fortunately, her ladyship has a good stock of drugs in her bedside drawer which Moosey, Rory and I raided after she had gone to work. Bad luck for the toys in the back bedroom though - they just had to sleep it off.

Serves em right too! It took five of us to haul that drunken hippo back up the stairs. And can you believe that blonde went home with the ginea pig?!