30 June 2009

Fan Mail

Now that I have become a cult figure on Facebook, I have begun to receive fan mail.

Yes, really - I parcel arrived just yesterday, addressed to me.

Sir Bruin held it up for me to look at.

Yep, that's definitely for me.

I took it out into the garden to open it.

Hooves aren't ideal for opening parcels, especially when the parcel is bigger than the sheep.

The contents were a scarf and a card!

I think I look rather fetching.

The card, and indeed the whole parcel, is from Washington DC.

A hand knitted scarf from my friend Pam in America. Thank you Pam!

I took my present back in doors and showed it off to my friends. I think Ptolemy the Turtle looks a bit jealous.

The colours are very me, don't you think? I may start a new trend for scarves.


20 June 2009

I am a cult!

It seems I have progressed from the world of blogging into Facebook.

Yes, really. There is a group called Friends of Errol the Sheep and it currently has 17 members.

[what?! There are 15 others as daft as Sir Bruin de Largesse and Lady De Minutive? Ed]

No friends of Moosey or Rory or Ptolemy you'll notice. Just my good self.

I am a legend!