30 June 2009

Fan Mail

Now that I have become a cult figure on Facebook, I have begun to receive fan mail.

Yes, really - I parcel arrived just yesterday, addressed to me.

Sir Bruin held it up for me to look at.

Yep, that's definitely for me.

I took it out into the garden to open it.

Hooves aren't ideal for opening parcels, especially when the parcel is bigger than the sheep.

The contents were a scarf and a card!

I think I look rather fetching.

The card, and indeed the whole parcel, is from Washington DC.

A hand knitted scarf from my friend Pam in America. Thank you Pam!

I took my present back in doors and showed it off to my friends. I think Ptolemy the Turtle looks a bit jealous.

The colours are very me, don't you think? I may start a new trend for scarves.



Cheryl said...

Love the scarf Errol. It looks perfect on you!
(Uh-oh, is fame going to Errol's head? Hmm....inquiring minds want to know.)

Moosey said...

Errol had a big head anyway.

By the way, Ptolemy always looks like that.

Errol said...

Hello Cheryl. How nice of you to drop by and thank you for the compliment. Of course, it is Pam we should be complimenting - if she hadn't made the scarf I wouldn't be able to look good in it.

Moosey - get your own blog!

Liz said...

Hey Errol, I've just been on Facebook and it seems that Pam's pig Jasmine has taken a liking to you!