17 May 2009

Errol on Holiday - part 1

You may recall that Sir Bruin de Largesse and Lady De Minutive forgot to take me with them when they went to Paris. I was rather upset about this but cheered up considerably on Thursday morning when I found myself sitting on the dash board of Sir Bruin's car.

We set off in a westerly direction. There was a stop for lunch (during which I was left in the car) but the next stop after that was at Stratford-Upon-Avon and this time I was allowed out of the car. Here I am outside the birthplace of William Shakespeare:

"To sleep sheep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub".

After riding around in Sir Bruin's pocket and seeing some of the sights, we got back into the car and drove into Shropshire. We then spent two nights in a B&B just outside Ludlow. We had a very nice room where there was a small teddy bear in residence:

He looks rather theatrical in that hat, don't you think? Maybe he belongs to the Royal Shakesbear Company.

We spent two nights here and very nice it was too. The B&B was a converted barn with lots of old, exposed beams.

Our room had it's own staircase:

It was all very charming.

I am in this photograph, although I have blended into the wall rather well.

On Friday, I got taken out and photographed all over Shropshire (and once in Worcestershire too). I'll blog about that another day.

1 comment:

Sir Bruin said...

Hopefully, this will stop you whinging about being left at home!