28 May 2009

Errol The Steam!

Last weekend, Sir Bruin de Largesse and Lady De Minutive took me to Linky Land to visit Granny Weatherwax and Mike The Steam.

I was allowed to play with the trains.

To start with, I just rode around in one of the waggons.

Later on, I was allowed to drive the engine!

This particular engine isn't finished yet. When a posh engine came out, I found myself demoted to guard.

Here I am speeding around the track at the back of an engine with real steam coming out of it!

Then another different engine came out and Mike The Steam coupled up some carriages and I went for a ride in one of those. You will note that I didn't get to ride in luxury like the other passengers, but had to hang onto the balcony instead.

Lady De Minutive assures me that this is more luxurious than the Eurostar.


Sir Bruin said...

I notice that you are on the track in one picture. I trust that you have a PTS certificate?

Errol said...

At no point did I trespas on the track. I am merely sitting beside it waiting for a train.

Anonymous said...

Do you ever think you will be able to sail a tug boat? Do you get sea sick?
Your friend - Pam

Errol said...

Hello Pam,

I haven't tried sailing yet. I will have to ask my humans to take me one day.